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Capacities and Challenges for the Realization of Democracy in the theocratic state

  • Date: 2018 May 09
  • Authors: میثم کهن ترابی
  • Keywords: Theocratic state, Democracy, capacity, challenge, ethics, law.
Contrary to the opinion of some politicians and religious scholars, democracy in the theocratic is practicable. Theocratic state can in some ways lead to the realization of democracy and, in other ways, create challenges for it. Ethics and law are two important parts of religion. Ethics can always lead to the realization and expansion of democracy, but sometimes some laws create challenges for the institutionalization of democracy. Undoubtedly, the behavior of people and governors based on religious ethics provides better conditions for the realization of democracy. In other words, religious morality helps to spread democracy more than an obstacle to it. Another important part of religion is religious law. Sometimes this part of religion may challenge democracy. In any case, if the opinion of the majority of people Such as citizen's rights is opposed to religious laws, then democracy will face a challenge. Because it is inconsistent with the function of the theocratic state to ignore the rules of the divine, and, on the other hand, to override the majority, undermines democracy. For this reason, it can be said that if religious rule expands religious ethics beyond religious law, it will help further the realization of democracy. In this article, firstly, the capacities and challenges of theocratic state are introduced in the realization of democracy, and then a solution to democracy is presented in this state